Mission Statement
Tree New Mexico is dedicated to helping communities plant and care for trees in urban areas — large and small — throughout The Land of Enchantment.

Organizational History and Goal
For over 30 years Tree New Mexico (TNM) has been planting trees in the Land of Enchantment and educating the public on the value and necessity of healthy urban forests. We continue to be the premier private, non-profit tree planting organization in NM (and the nation); planting thousands of trees each year and building a high level of understanding and advocacy for the expansion and maintenance of urban forests.
Tree New Mexico was initially formed out of concern for the environment by local high school students on the premise that tree planting is an important and worthwhile national and community goal. Since our founding in 1990, our partners and volunteers have helped plant over 1,250,000 trees in communities throughout New Mexico. Founding Director, Sue Probart, ran TNM for the better part of 30 years. She was generally known in NM as “Ms. Tree” and was an instigator of urban forestry initiatives throughout the state.
Our Objectives:
- Increase the canopy of urban and community forests throughout New Mexico.
- Build public awareness regarding trees and the environmental role they play in our communities and the nation.
- Provide environmental tree-based education for citizens of all ages.
- Mitigate and reverse urban heat island effect in urban areas of the state.
- Serve as an urban and community forestry advocate.
- Build strong and effective partnerships with all levels of public and private organizations.
Tree New Mexico
Board of Directors
(Click on pictures for board member bios.)
Tree New Mexico Staff
(Click on pictures for staff bios.)

Founder (January 29, 1949 – January 9, 2023) Suzanne was the founding director of Tree New Mexico. She guided Tree New Mexico into a nationally recognized and commended environmental tree planting and education organization. For many years she served on the New Mexico Tree Planting Advisory Committee, and the New Mexico Urban Forest Council. During its formative years, Suzanne also helped Navajo agencies and government officials establish Navajo Nation Arbor Day and assisted communities around the state in earning their Tree City USA designations
TreeNM does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religious creed, age, political beliefs, disability, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in its program or activities. Shannon Horst is the designated civil rights coordinator.