Rio Grande Credit Union Plants and Funds Trees in Albuquerque
Since 2020, RGCU employees and their families have volunteered over 105 hours at Tree New Mexico Spring and Fall tree plantings assisting in planting over 210 trees. “RGCU employees are wonderful volunteers who cheerfully work hard and get a lot done!” -Tamar Randall, TNM Development Director.
IMAGE: Jeff Cain, RGCU Vice President of Marketing; Mike Athens, RGCU President / CEO; Shannon Horst, TNM Executive Director; Tamar Randall, TNM Development Director; Maria Padilla, NeighborWoods Program Director; Rachel Hendrix, NeighborWoods Coordinator. Photo Credit Luis Santiago

KUNM Community Partnership is Planting Trees
KUNM teamed up with Independent Vehicle Service and Tree New Mexico to plant trees in Albuquerque! As part of the KUNM Community Partnership in March, 2022, Independent Vehicle Service recognized donor’s gifts to KUNM and provided a separate donation for trees to Tree New Mexico for the KUNM ‘thank you’ gift. These 150 trees will absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, cool surface temperatures in neighborhoods without mature trees, and hopefully create new memories for generations in Albuquerque’s International District!”
IMAGE: Chanda Shaw, KUNM Development Director, stands next to an Allee Elm, one of the 150 trees that KUNM helped plant in the West Park and Huning Castle neighborhoods.

YOUR DONATIONS TO TREE NEW MEXICO ensure we can help citizens plant and care for more trees in urban areas throughout our beloved State.
Thank you for doing your part!
Your donations to Tree New Mexico increase the number of trees living, growing, shading and beautifying the cities and towns of New Mexico. Our staff and board work with professional and citizen volunteers and private and public funders to multiply your donation ten-fold.