ABQ NeighborWoods increases the tree canopy by 100 planted trees and 100 giveaway trees, one neighborhood at a time. Funded by ABQ City Councilors or by the ABQ Parks and Recreation department, the program focuses on residential property because 85% of Albuquerque’s trees are located on private property and on business sites.
Neighborhood volunteers support Tree New Mexico staff to canvass their neighbors, enter information about specific trees in tree plotting software, planting trees, and giving away trees. Residents choose the tree species they prefer from our list of available climate-ready and drought-tolerant trees. They agree to water and care for the trees and to call Tree New Mexico if they need tree care advice.
If you would like to bring the ABQ NeighborWoods program to your neighborhood, contact your Albuquerque City Councilor and connect with TreeNM by emailing plantinginquiries@treenm.org.

Some Specific Program Information:
- Our goal is to create an impact with clusters of trees. We can plant anywhere within 20 feet from the street. Often we can plant in front and side yards if they are accessible.
- There are usually 8+ varieties of street trees that will be available ranging from smaller ornamental trees to larger shade trees.
- Property owners must sign an Agreement with the City of Albuquerque.
- Water rebates, or Treebates, may be available through the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority.
Neighborhood Involvement:
Tree New Mexico asks that each neighborhood interested in applying ensures that they have:
- a group of around 5 lead volunteers to help us drive the project throughout the entirety of the organizing and planting process.
- enough homes to fit 100 new trees. Homes are able to receive up to two trees, if the yard will fit them.

See Us in Action!
KRQE featured Tree New Mexico’s planting in the Raynolds and Berelas planting in Fall 2023.

Benefits of Trees:
- Adding shade, fresh air, beauty, and pollinator and wildlife habitat
- Studies show that trees mitigate floods, control erosion, slow climate change, lower temperatures, slow down evaporation, increase atmospheric moisture, store carbon, slow traffic in neighborhoods, and lower crime
- Planted near city streets, they clean the air and buffer sound
- Planted near buildings, they increase property values and lower cooling and heating cost