Arborists, Tree Care, and Landscape Services
There are many companies and contractors in Albuquerque who work with trees. Some are well known; others come and go overnight. Be thoughtful and cautious in who you hire to work on your tree(s).
Tree New Mexico has included contact information ONLY for those entities with whom it has worked.
We have also included a link to ISA’s (International Society of Arborists) “Find an Arborist” site. Through it you will find a list of all arborists who are certified in NM and elsewhere.

Arborists/Tree Care Companies
Southwest Tree Specialists
(505) 897-1606 •
(Owner Tony Pomo is a certified arborist and works to be on site overseeing his crew. Qualified in doing tree assessment, structural pruning, and tree removal. Uses bucket truck. Recycles/reuses/repurposes removed trees. Insured.)
Legacy Tree Company
(505) 657-5287 •
(Company owners, Harrison and Viers are long time certified arborists with extensive experience. They make sure their crew is well-trained. Qualified in doing tree assessment, structural pruning, and tree removal. Uses climbing equipment and bucket trucks. Insured.)
VJ Stars Tree Service
(505) 305-8961 •
(Spanish speaking. Recommended for tree removal only. Fast, cost-efficient, No certified arborists on staff. Uses bucket truck.)
Baca’s Trees
(505) 899-6666 •
(Trained and certified people on staff but not always present at the work site. Can do tree assessment, structural pruning, and tree removal. Uses bucket truck. Insured.)
Evan Lehman Baker, ISA Certified Arborist
(505) 268-5201 •
(Independent contractor. Can do tree assessment, structural pruning, and small tree removal. Uses climbing equipment for trimming.)
Hints regarding tree care:
- If you are concerned about a tree, get at least two assessments with a professional recommendation included. Make sure the person is someone who can be trusted. Often this is someone who has been recommend by a friend or colleague, but knowing someone is ISA Certified can also be helpful.
- Before hiring, make sure you have everything in writing including the work to be done and what it will cost. A deposit may be required.
- Be preferential to keeping your tree(s)! Removing a mature tree will have environmental, social, and financial ramifications for you and the community it inhabits. E.g., It takes up to 17 small trees to provide the ecosystem services of a large urban tree. And that tree makes your property up to 15% more valuable.
- Always seek to save the tree unless it has 1. lost over half of its canopy and the branches are dead; 2. It is hollow/unstable and prone to fail (making it dangerous); or 3. There is evidence of major damage or obvious disease.
Landscaping/Design Companies
Amy Bell/Groundwork Studio
(505) 212-9126 • or
(Landscape and green project design.)
Waterwise Landscapes New Mexico
(505) 344-7508 •
(Co-owners Barbara and Hunter Ten Broeck are experts in xeric design and landscapes that conserve water.)
Green Summit Landscape Management
(505) 990-5754 •
(Multiple owners, provide design, construction and management of larger scale commercial/residential landscape projects.)
Other Useful Resources
Food is Free Albuquerque
(for fruit harvesting) or
(Established by Erin Garrison and Trista Teeter, this organization serves our community by making sure that all fruit is gleaned and utilized. If you have a fruit tree that you are unable to harvest, let them know. Using local volunteers they will give you the fruit or find someone who needs it including local foodbanks and distilleries.)
(for soil and compost)
(505) 877-0220 •
(Established for the purpose of composting and green waste recycling, this company provides different types of soil for landscape purposes and will take green waste and process it for reuse.)
CABQ Green Waste
(for green waste removal)
(505) 761-8100 •
(Founded in 1948, the Solid Waste Management Department provides a range of waste collection and disposal services for residential and commercial clients throughout the City of Albuquerque.)