Douglas fir
September 29, 2022
Arizona Cypress – January Tree of the Month
January 9, 2023Tree New Mexico Gratitude
December 2022
Thank you all for helping to increase the tree canopy in New Mexico during the fall 2022 planting season! So many wonderful people made this season successful!
Tree New Mexico planted four ABQ NeighborWoods plantings funded by ABQ City Councilors – one each by Councilor Benton and Councilor Bassan and two by Councilor Feibelkorn. These plantings were in McDuffie-Twin Parks and Mark Twain neighborhoods and the combined neighborhoods of Heritage East and Quintessence, and West Park and Huning Castle.
As part of our EPA Cooperative Agreement, we planted 50 fruit trees in the International District in Front Yard Gardens to address the food desert. La Puerta de los Niños and Adobe Acres Elementary School also received planted trees and tree education.
All of Tree New Mexico and all the tree adopters, neighborhoods, and schools, are grateful to the tree planters, team leaders, tree stewards, canvassers, table volunteers, ABQ city councilors, ABQ Parks and Recreation Department, the EPA Cooperative Agreement, KUNM & IVS, TreeGreenNM (a program of the Foundation for Building a Sustainable World), HEC, IDHCC, the ABQ Water Utility Authority Treebate program, AND YOU! Thank you for being part of increasing the tree canopy in New Mexico!
Since 2017, Tree New Mexico has increased the tree canopy by 8,061 trees!
Gratitude for Tree Planters
Trained team leaders and tree planters donate Saturday mornings to plant trees in neighborhoods and on school campuses. Communities come together to make a difference!
Thank you to wonderful groups from the Air Force ROTC at UNM, AF 250th, HEC, IDHCC, Intel, Ismaili Civic Group, KUNM, M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi®, Project Feed the Hood SWOP, Rio Grande Credit Union, Rural Student Project at UNM, T4B, Tree School, and Wilson Middle School students who planted this season!
Photo credit: Michael Payton
Gratitude for Tree Stewards
Tree planting at Adobe Acres Elementary School with Tree Steward Kevin Gourley teaching. Photo Credit: Rachel Hendrix
Gratitude for Canvassers and Welcome Table Volunteers
Great canvassers and welcome table volunteers from the McDuffie-Twin Parks Neighborhood. Photo credit: Luis Santiago
Gratitude for Tree Adopters

Gratitude for ABQ City Councilors and Parks and Recreation Department

Gratitude for Funders

Gratitude for Wonderful Partners
TNM is grateful for wonderful partners, HEC and IDHCC, that participated in many ways from identifying fruit tree adopters, canvassing neighborhoods, planting trees, leading teams, providing coffee and burritos to planters, sharing space at Cyclovia, and anything else that needed doing! You are the BEST!

Gratitude for Tree-Bate
Photo credit: Rachel Hendrix
Gratitude for Great Locations
Tree Giveaway at the Bataan Memorial Park. Photo credit: Janie Ramirez
Gratitude for Tireless TNM Staff
Gratitude for the Tree New Mexico Board
Tree New Mexico is grateful to be part of the Let’s Plant Albuquerque Team!
Please see the website for more information: Lets Plant ABQ – 100,000 Trees in Albuquerque by 2030.

Tamar Randall
Development Director
Tree New Mexico