Quick Tips for Keeping your Tree Happy and Healthy


The exact number of times to water per week varies by tree and soil type, but a good rule of thumb is to water your tree to a depth of 24 inches. Check moisture levels by placing a long screwdriver or piece of metal in the ground near your tree. You want the screwdriver to go into the soil at least 2 feet. Make sure your tree is well mulched and that the mulch is watered completely through. This prevents water from wicking away and helps hold in moisture.


Refrain from using weed killer, pre-emergence, or ‘weed and feed’ near your trees. These products can kill trees and bees, as well as injure wildlife, pets, and children. 


Landscape plastic and cloth are not environmentally friendly. They inhibit water and oxygen from getting directly down into the soil where the tree roots can access it.


Do not let hard materials such as wire, electrical cord, or rope touch your tree. Use something that gives, such as old pantyhose, and ensure that anything that does touch the tree is loose. Only stake for 1 growing season, and then remove so the roots can get strong.


  • Bonnie
    Thank YOU! I think this goes without saying, but I’m so happy to help establish an urban forest canopy and real community in our city. I wholeheartedly believe we all are, and that’s why we do what we do! Our planting team also received many positive words of encouragement and thanks during our planting. People think this is the coolest most wonderful program and I agree 😊 Looking forward to fall plantings and seeing everyone again (probably still from a distance).

    Stay well everyone!

    Volunteer Leader
  • Helen
    I want to thank you both very much for the wonderful tree that was planted in my yard on Saturday morning.  It is a Chinese Pistache and was even larger than I expected.  It is lovely.  I am so very grateful to have been the recipient of this wonderful tree.  Also, the people who installed it were gracious and so very capable.  Thank them for me as well.
    Victory Hills
  • Elizabeth Reed
    Taking a moment to thank you and the entire TreeNM team for working with us on our tree canopy restoration efforts. We have a lot of new trees in our neighborhood and a lot of happy neighbors. We are truly grateful to have been a part of such a great quality program that's helped us not only improve our street tree situation, but also helped build community and goodwill in our neighborhood. Yay trees!  
    Elizabeth Reed
    Spruce Park Neighborhood Association
  • Jan
    I thoroughly enjoyed Kelly White’s presentation.  I looked at my trees with renewed appreciation and wonder! 
  • Patty
    Wow, big thanks to everyone involved in our tree planting.  Super  big shout out to Pat Davis for his support!!!
    Victory Hills
  • Jennifer
    This has been such an impactful program for canopy and community alike – so many kudos to you for working through those early plantings and learning and growing and getting better.  I am so impressed with TNM’s process now, and how many volunteers you normally get.  Incredible.
  • John

    “My experience thus far with the tree-planting group has been excellent. They have been courteous, helpful and enthusiastic.”

    Wellesley Drive Resident
  • Andrew Lisignoli
    What a treat. Before I say anything I must say our community is so fortunate to have Tree NM. Frankly, you all are a source of community pride which is oh so needed in today’s world.
    Andrew Lisignoli
    Trees of Corrales, Ltd.
  • Skye Ontiveros
    I just want to express my gratitude for all you and your team do for the neighborhood. You all are consistently efficient and always so generous, and I am grateful to work with you:) I can't wait to be a part of your greening of ABQ in 2023. Happy New Trees for the New Year!!! 🥳
    Skye Ontiveros
  • Joseph
    Dear Tree New Mexico staff and UHA board: Thanks for the beautiful desert willow in front of my home and all the other trees along Columbia Drive and throughout the neighborhood. What a wonderful, inspirational project! Your joint effort is much appreciated.
  • Sal and Suzan
    'Twas the night before planting when all through the yard, Not a creature was stirring, not even the mouse. The holes were dug by the volunteers with care, In hopes that Tree New Mexico soon would be there. The owners were waiting all snug in their chairs, While visions of shade trees danced in their heads. And Grandma with her Iced tea and I with a beer, Had just settled down on the porch with care. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the chair to see what was the matter. Away to the driveway I flew like a flash, Tore open the gate, threw up the latch. The sun on the breast of the newly mowed grass, Gave the lustre of mid-day to the clippings below. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, But a truck full of many tiny trees. With a little old driver, so lively and quick, I knew in a moment it must be them. More rapid than eagles, the volunteers came, And He whistled and shouted and called them by name: "Now! Redbud, now! Cedar, now! Willow, and Ash. On! Mesquite, on! Sumac, on! Pine tree and Elm!" To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall! Now Plant away! Plant away! Plant away all! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, ALL!!!
    Sal and Suzan
    Princess Jeanne Neighborhood
  • Jenny Sanchez and Max Garcia
    Hello All, Thank you so much for making all those beautiful trees available to our neighborhood. We are thrilled with them and the neighborhood will be looking better and better as the trees mature and flower. I check ours daily just in case there is an early flower. You all are absolutely awesome, thanks for all your efforts and time canvassing our neighborhood with flyers, arranging everything and planting the trees for us. What a wonderful program! We so much appreciate all your efforts.
    Jenny Sanchez and Max Garcia
    Los Volcanes Neighborhood Association
  • Lucie and Greg 
    I arrived today to find two beautiful new trees planted in my front yard. Neither I or my partner were home for the digging and planting (we both work long hours and weekends), and I just wanted thank your organization and the wonderful volunteers who helped plant these trees, and also apologize for not being around to help out. I want you to know how much we appreciate this project and the hard work of your volunteers. We will take good care of our new trees.
    Lucie and Greg 
    North Twain Neighborhood
  • Bill
    “You and your team are the best! I was very impressed with your efficiency and positive attitude. I look forward to working with you again. And, the nectarine tree is happily planted.”
    Summit Park Neighborhood Volunteer and Tree Giveaway Recipient
  • Ty
    Truthfully, volunteering with your organization gave me the adrenaline kick I needed.  It was seeing how the citizens and the conservationists work in tandem to achieve the same goal.  I was inspired by how Tree NM follows through and takes responsibility for the care and health of the trees until they're established AND the care and education of the homeowners to ensure they understand how to care for the trees!!!!
    Las Cruces
  • Ruth
    “I want to thank you for doing such a nice job of tree planting in my neighborhood---mine and 4 neighbors that I was able to see.  I truly appreciate your commitment”
    Summit Park Neighborhood Resident



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For over 30 years Tree New Mexico (TNM) has been planting trees in the Land of Enchantment and educating the public on the value and necessity of healthy urban forests.


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